Saturday 14 November 2015

Easiest way to decompile recompile an APK

Hey Guys today i will show you the easiest way to decompile and recompile an apk file .

so lets get started ,

This is the easiest methord but Some APK cant decompile properly by this methord such as System UI...

Prerequisites :

  • download 7zip from  here
  • little bit brain . ;) 

    Steps :

    1. here for example i am taking an music apk for decompiling it firstly install the 7zip software
    2. After that right click over the apk and go to 7zip and click on extract files 
    3. And that's all you will find and folder name music as in my case it is .
    4. and for decompiling the apk just open the apk folder and do what ever customization  you want to do after that.
    5. Select all the files and folder related to the apk and right click over there
    6. and go to 7zip and click on add to archive .
    7. After that a diagonal box came in that now the main thing came in the box at the top you will see the file name in my case it is music and with the extension of .zip so music .zip 
    8. now what you need to do is to delete the .zip file extension and write .apk file extension at the place and hit enter .
    9. that's all you have successfully decompile and recompile your apk 

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