Tuesday, 14 November 2017

How to Download WhatsApp on Windows for Desktop Access| for sock rom go to rompure.com

WhatsApp is an app-developing company owned by Facebook. Accordingly, it was able to process 64 billion messages on a very successful day. The WhatsApp mobile app has become a phenomenon as it is now known as the most popular platform for messaging in the world.

How you can get WhatsApp to your Windows desktop

  •  Visit the WhatsApp Website :The process is just identical to the first instruction when you need to download the app for your Mac device. Just make sure that you choose the link for downloading the app that should be compatible for Windows. Thus, you can now confirm the download.

  • Install the App on Your PC: After downloading the file, you can install it just like you would using WhatsApp Web. Then you can launch the app on the PC and wait for the QR code to be presented.

  • Launch the App on Your Phone: You need to launch the app on your smartphone and switch to Settings tab. You will also have to select WhatsApp Web so that you will be able to scan the QR code presented on the screen. After which, the desktop client will display all contacts and conversations by which you can begin syncing all information coming from your phone.

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